Monday, May 13, 2013

Set Your Goals

Something that anyone who is serious about making money on the internet needs to ensure that they know what they want to accomplish from it. This is why you need to determine what you want and shoot for it everyday.

Financially speaking, it is best to set an amount that you want to reach by the end of the year. Remember, you need to pick an amount that is realistically obtainable. You will most likely not make 1 Million dollars in your first year. If you are just starting out it is ideal to shoot for a number such as $100 by the end of the year. I know it does not sound like much, but it will take a while for you to get down the basics of making money online, and you should be able to reach your daily goal easily. For $100 per year, you will need to make at least $0.273 per day. This should be easily obtainable by using multiple PTC programs, such as ClixSense, without doing any upgrades.

If you feel that $0.273 per day is too easy, then shoot for $1000 per year, which would be $2.73 per day. Anything higher than that would not be ideal for someone who is just starting out on the internet making money. There are several people who struggle to get the 27 cents and have been working on the internet for years. This is why I am here to help guide you in the right direction. Also, I advise shooting for a low number because it will allow you to focus on building a downline behind you that you can make money from their efforts, as well as, focusing on learning how to build large amounts of traffic.

I would also suggest to set a goal to learn something new each day. Making money on the internet is a never ending learning process. Marketing strategies are changing everyday, and what people want changes day by day. This is why you need to ensure that you are well versed in multiple strategies to maximize your earnings. I will get more into this in a later post that I am still putting together.

I would like to take a moment now and tell you about something that I started doing 2 years after I started to make money on the internet, and it helped me out a lot. It helped keep me motivated and helped increase my earning, as well as, let me know which programs were worth my time, and which one were not. This is something that should be common sense, but many people never think of it. That is to KEEP TRACK OF YOUR EARNING! You can do this simply by using an Excel spreadsheet or even just a pen and paper. It is important to keep track of your earnings, because then you can see which programs are paying the best rates, and also it shows you when you have been slacking in a program yourself.

Simply everyday, at the end of the day, record how much you have made each specific program. Then the next day, try to beat that number. This will keep you motivated. Remember sometimes you may come up short of the prior day, but that just means you need to work harder to surpass the previous day. I personally like to take the highest amount I made in one day put it at the top of the page that I record my daily earnings on. This number is what I cal The Record To Beat. Instead of beating the previous days amount, I try to beat the Record amount that I have ever made in the program.

You will find out that recording information is very valuable in making money online. This goes from recording earning, to recording referrals, to recording traffic. Recording data is what separates the people who are successful, from the one who fail and give up.

Now get out there and make an extra $0.273 today, and remember that it may take a lot of work today, but it only gets easier from here!

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